Key takeaways from TRIRIGA World 2023
TRIRIGA World 2023 may be just over a month behind us, but the palpable excitement felt at the conference is still fresh in my memory. Attending the event was so inspiring. Not only was it great to see so familiar faces from the close-knit community of TRIRIGA users, but the event was also a chance to interact with others the way we did before health and safety protocols changed the way we did conferences.
Networking just isn’t the same without a personal touch. A firm handshake. A friendly smile. A timely nod. These little things make all the difference, and you could tell conference attendees were eager to get back to the way things were.
One example that typified that eagerness was the “UX Forum” event hosted by JLLT on the first day of the conference. Despite being scheduled on a Monday morning—after what was likely a travel day for many attendees—the three-hour workshop and panel discussion gathered enough attendees to become a standing-room-only event!
For those who couldn’t attend the event, there were two major themes around TRIRIGA innovation that stuck out in my mind: the importance of UX (user experience) and the tallest hurdles for optimization.
Importance of UX
One recurring topic of discussion at the “UX Forum” event was the growing number of users who are interacting with IWMS daily. This isn’t just an issue of scale. These new types of users are approaching TRIRIGA from very different places in terms of their intent, needs, and experience with IWMS.
Facilities and real estate tools are no longer just for the back-office team. Upstream and downstream processes are being integrated, and “casual” users are steadily initiating the work themselves. The old idea of creating “super GUIs” that are contain everything a “power” user might need (and only intended for those who are highly trained) isn’t cutting it anymore.
As a result, there’s a greater need for innovations like role-based dashboards that make it easier to deliver the right UX to the right user, regardless of who is using the solution. Imagine uniquely curated experiences, through the same process, for different business roles.
Attendees of the UX Forum remained engaged throughout a lively 3-hour session as the panel discussion turned to other ways to leverage UX improvements, like optimizing TRIRIGA’s UX to reducing inefficiencies around asset and property management.
Hurdles for Optimization
Beyond the UX forum, our three days at TRIRIGA World 2023 were largely spent connecting with colleagues and clients. The top recurring sentiment? Upgrading and optimizing IWMS continues to be a big challenge. Our clients and colleagues reported that many of the root causes for these challenges were similar, and identifying the source of the problem is the first step toward solving it.
Staying current – Remaining up to date with the latest innovations and modules for IWMS has evolved into a major investment of resources. It’s difficult to move forward with an optimization strategy when there is a lack of clarity around which solutions are the most current or best-in-class.
Assessing priorities – One group of stakeholders is convinced that a short-term optimization would make the biggest impact, while a rival camp is convinced the long-term play will generate more value. Does this scenario sound familiar? These patterns of internal misalignment hurt the momentum of optimization efforts, sometimes bringing them to a complete halt.
Ending tech debt – Temporary fixes to keep technology in step with new innovations eventually start to become unworkable. The same customizations may also be standing in the way of new integrations that could further modernize the tech stack. It’s difficult to move forward when fixing one problem seems to create new ones.
More Resources for IWMS Users
JLLT gained so many valuable insights from TRIRIGA World 2023. We can’t wait to put them to use for organizations like yours. Schedule an IWMS Health Check with our team and start clearing the roadblocks stifling your optimization efforts.
For more tips on getting more value from your IWMS, learn how UX optimization can significantly impact your organization’s asset management and employee retention goals.