Employee feedback exposes new strategies to better support informal collaboration
By Remy Albillar

HqO helps administrators break down workplace communication barriers

A key contributor to workplace communication barriers is the channel that most workplace directors and HR decision-makers use to pass along internal messages to employees.

According to a 2022 research report from Axios, close to 70% of workplace comms professionals shared that their main channel for reaching employees is via ad hoc emails. Less than half of respondents had a means of measuring if their daily internal communications are even being read.

This is an increasingly unreliable strategy when employees are flooded with a daily deluge of email communications from HR, leadership, IT, external vendors, and their own teams.

One of the key advantages the HqO workplace experience platform offers to workplace and HR teams is the ability to both communicate with employees across channels they prefer with and to analyze exactly how they engage with that messaging.

Push past the inbox with new workplace communication channels

Digital and social media best-practices have inspired new strategies for catching employees’ attention and encouraging them to engage with internal communications. HR and workplace teams can avoid the inbox and instead deliver streamlined, mobile-friendly workplace communications through a single app like the HqO workplace experience platform.

Push notifications, direct event invites, and micro-surveys are just a few examples of ways that workplace and HR leadership can more reliably connect with employees. HqO comes equipped with a flexible, easy-to-use content creator that makes these forms and surveys simple to create.

Even better, focusing workplace communications through a single platform makes it even easier to get instant feedback about events and measure the effectiveness of internal messaging.

Analytics tools support long-term engagement with internal comms

Managing every aspect of the workplace with a single app does more than simplify the experience for employees. It also combines multiple, unwieldy information streams—including internal communications data—into consumable dashboards for administrators.

These dashboards allow HR and workplace directors to accomplish several critical goals more easily:

  • Measure program success and messaging engagement
  • Build and distribute internal messaging more effectively
  • Create internal messaging that targets specific employee audiences
  • Gauge effectiveness of amenities to guide workplace investments

The result is a simplified loop of communication for administrators and no more questions about whether employees are responding to internal messaging. Savvy workplace and HR professionals can generate even more value by finding additional ways to leverage all this data at their fingertips:

  • User feedback can be used to update audience targets and streamline workflows
  • Satisfaction ratings help inform communication strategies that lead to improved retention
  • Near real-time info allows administrators to rapidly pilot new communication strategies

Next steps to keep improving workplace communication

Building a workplace experience that your people gravitate toward depends on your ability to meet their expectations. That’s a tall order when those expectations aren’t understood or can’t be measured.

Connect with a workplace experience or data analytics expert today if you have more questions about communicating with employees more effectively and measuring how they respond. You can also learn more tips for evaluating workplace experience platforms like HqO from our latest on-demand webinar.