Fm teams operate more efficiently when employees fill out accurate service requests
By Remy Albillar

Reduce distractions for FM teams by integrating CMMS with HqO

Chances are that the longer an employee spends struggling to fill out a service request, the more potential headaches are in store for the facilities management (FM) team receiving the request. Form fill errors, delayed submissions, and vague descriptions are common when employees find the service request process to be tedious or confusing.

When these errors pile up, so too do distractions for the FM team. Organizations can avoid these scenarios and improve overall operational efficiency by integrating their service request solution, typically a CMMS like Corrigo, with a dedicated workplace experience tool like HqO.

By making the service request process more intuitive with the help of a workplace experience app, organizations can:

•  Streamline service requests to improve fulfillment and limit escalations
•  Lower the number of day-to-day tasks handled by IT teams
•  Limit technology downtime and service interruptions
•  Improve overall employee experience and workplace satisfaction

These benefits are obtainable regardless of whether users are operating in corporate, industrial, or retail environments.

Simplifying service requests reduces confusion and escalation

By integrating a workplace experience app like HqO into the service request process, employees get to fill out requests directly from their mobile device. Forms with pre-listed options based on location, asset, and task make it possible for service requests to be completed and submitted in seconds.


An intuitive interface and simplified options help employees to accurately complete service requests. The result is less back-and-forth communication between users and FM professionals seeking clarity or additional information.

Mobile app capabilities empower users to support FM

A more automated, digitized service request process is extremely valuable, but it’s not the only advantage of integrating CMMS like Corrigo with workplace experience technology. By tapping into the power of the user’s mobile phone, organizations can empower employees to take pressure off FM teams by being more proactive stewards of their workplace.

Mobile support encourages employees to flag incidents and submit service requests as soon as an issue occurs. Likewise, mobile devices allow employees to take and submit high-definition images to document issues and provide FM teams with valuable information.

HqO also makes it simple to add self-help prompts to the service request process. This approach helps employees to solve common problems themselves and reduces the total number of service requests FMs are forced to juggle.

Automated data analysis simplifies CapEx and OpEx

By integrating CMMS and a workplace experience with data and analytics capabilities, FM teams can improve the efficiency of several processes beyond service requests. One approach that benefits most organizations is streamlining decision-making around capital and operating expenses.

More detailed information about how amenities, spaces, and services perform makes it easier for FM teams to make strategic investment decisions without being pulled from their day-to-day tasks. Even more so when that data collection is automated.

Integration support from leading experts in Corrigo and HqO

The best partner to help organizations integrate CMMS with a workplace experience tool is an organization with expertise in both solutions. As a leading hybrid workplace and Corrigo implementor, JLL Technologies is that partner.

Connect with us for a demo of HqO or Corrigo, or if you’re interested in learning more about how integrating these solutions can benefit the FM team and your entire organization.